Monday, January 9, 2012

3rd Trimester

Hello 3rd Trimester I have been looking foward to you =).  So this pregnancy has all of the sudden flown by!!
  The 1st trimester saw its ups and downs with morning sickness in weeks 5-8, and then was followed by a kidney stone which is by far the worst pain you can imagine.  John and I got to see our lil peanut for the 1st time and it was as if nothing else in the world mattered.  We just stared at the screen imagining what he/she would look like, and got a lil teary eyed at our small miracle.  We counted each week looking forward to the next knowing each week would bring us more peace of mind.
  The 2nd trimester was perfect.  I was able to enjoy more foods, got a little more energy back and finally felt her move.  It took awhile before I could feel her move due to the placement of my placenta, but now we can feel and see her kick all the time.  She is most active around 10:30 which means she will be a night owl like her Mama.  She loves her daddy already its crazy!!  When I get home from work and start talking to John about our day and we begin cooking dinner she goes crazy.  It is by far the sweetest thing to see her kick in delight at the sound of her daddy's voice.  We have proved this theory over and over again.  People will say I want to feel her kick and John will come talk to my stomach and there she goes.  He bought a house so she would have a place to call her home and have been working on her nursery in our spare time.
  Now we are looking into the 3rd trimester.  This will bring about finishing her nursery, our baby shower at the end of this month, and finally getting to meet our lil blessing.  Ill post pics of the shower, the nursery, and anything else exciting that happens in the next couple weeks.