Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 8 A place I have traveled to

I have traveled to several different places over the years that I have throughly enjoyed. 

I went to Puerto Rico in 2004 (I think) and it was absolutely beautiful!!  The water is super clear and the prettiest blue color you have ever seen.  I went scuba diving and the sea life was amazing.  I had one of the best massages you could imagine.  The airport was probably the tiniest one Ive ever seen.  All in all it was an amazing trip.

I also went to New York City in 2002 which was AWESOME!!  I saw Hairspray on Broadway while sitting on the front row, so cool!!  I went to the top of the Empire State building and took in the sites and sounds of the city that never sleeps.  We stayed in the Westin Hotel and were treated like princesses.  We rode the subway and went to ground zero almost exactly a year after it happened and still cried at the mass destruction of it all. 

Then in 2006 I left for Alaska to visit my sister and bring her didnt last long til she was gone again =(  I had so much fun!!  I froze my lil rear off, but enjoyed the beauty of it all.  We visited the cities of Anchorage, Seward, Homer, and Cooper's Landing.  We climbed glacier exit which is a huge giant chunk of ice, and the water that runs off of it is a gorgeous ice blue.  I loved the shops, the yummy food, and the view.  Its something you cant describe in words, just breath-taking!!

So these are just some of my favs but I'd love to travel to Italy and Australia one day!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 7 my favorite movies

My favorite movie would have to be The Notebook!! I read the book years before it came to the theatre and absolutely loved it!!! In a way it reminds me of John and I. He lived with his dad, didn't come from a lot of money, worked hard, asked me out several times until I finally gave in, and loves me with all his heart. I cry everytime I watch it, and I know I've found my Noah!

I also love the Sound of Music and Phantom of the Opera. As a child I would act out the scenes from the movie Sound of Music. I use to pretend I was the different Von Trapp girls. My mom introduced me to Broadway classics at a young age and I remember singing the entire cd to Phantom of the Opera in her classroom =}. It's fun to think about it now cause I had no idea what I was singing about...haha!

My favorite cartoon movie would have to be The Emperor's New Groove and Tangled. I can quote pretty much all of The Emperor's New Groove. It is hilarious!!! Tangled was a sweet classic fairytale and 1 day I want to send up a lit candle lantern thing.

I love movies!! These are just some of my favs but I have lots!! Sweet Home Alabama, We are Marshall, Transformers, The Proposal, What happens in Vegas, basically any chick flick =}.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 6 Something that makes me happy

A picture of something that makes me happy....there are so many things in life that make me happy!!  My husband makes me the happiest lil girl in the world!!  I love my family more than words can say, and I have the best group of friends a girl could ever dream of.  I love to dance and to teach dance to all of my lil ones! So a picture of something that makes me happy would have to be this....

This lil girl makes me the happiest Aunt in the world!!  I can have a bad day and see her sweet face and everything else just goes away.  Even though she lives far away I love her more and more everyday!!  I love you baby girl!!!!

Day 5

Day 5: A song that matches my mood =)

Well on Saturday (which is when I was suppose to write this) I met up with a dear friend of mine that I hadnt seen in years.  It was absolutely wonderful to see her again it was like we just picked up right were we left off.  We had dinner together and then got dessert.  So when I got home I was on cloud 9 and completely forgot to write.  So the song that was on my mind was by Bruno Mars you can count on me, cause no matter what from now on she can always count on me!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 4

Day 4: My Parents

My parents met at Thompson High School and were high school sweethearts.  They both went to Montevallo and got married sometime in between there.  They had Haley in 1980, me in 1983, and Raleigh in 1984 and then he left......

My Mom met Bryan in the 1990's Im not exactly sure when, but I do remember they got married the summer before I entered the 4th grade.  They soon blessed me with a sweet lil sister Kellster, and then a lil brother named Bailey.  They have been married now 19 years this past June and while I sometimes wonder about those 2 I know they will make it another 19 ;). 

Keith is now remarried and they live in Arkansas.  He went on to have another son named Joe who I love dearly.  He has fought for our country, he is a loving husband, and an excellent father and I have nothing but the utmost respect for him!

Im not bitter about the situation, it is what it is.  If things hadnt happened the way it did I wouldnt have had Joe, or Kelly, or Bailey in my life.  So instead of dwelling on the he said she said, its over, Im leaving scenario I just let it all go.  I could not imagine my life without Joe, or Kelly or Bailey. 

I love my Mom very much and thank goodness for Bryan for all he did/does cause I dont know how we would have made it without him =)  I love each one of my siblings very much and Im so glad to have each of you in my life!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 3.....

Day 3....who was my 1st love.  Well to me this is a tricky question, and most would assume it would be the guy I dated all through high school and into college but I cant say that it was, and Ill explain why....

1st Corinthians says it best:
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails.

When I finally figured out what real love was I do not see him.  When I grew up to realize all the things that love can be and do I do not see him.  I honestly do not see any of the guys I "loved".  Does love point out your flaws, does love keep things from you, does love tear you down, is love unsupportive, is love untrustworthy, does love lie.....if it does then it isnt love.  Did I love my boyfriend....yes but he in my opinion will never be my 1st love, because I married my 1st love.

John is patient, John is kind, he does not envy, he does not boast, he is not proud.  He does not dishonor me, he is not self-seeking, he is not easily angered, he keeps no record of my wrongs.  John does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.  He will always protect me, we will always trust each other, we have all hope in each other, and we will keep on going when the going gets tough, because together we can never fail.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 2

So Day 2 is how did I come up with my blog name the house that never Bores.  Well in the Bores family nothing comes easy, and John and I sit back and enjoy every minute.  They say that the 1st year of marriage is the hardest, and while I get why they say that it hasnt been bad.  I find it quite amusing...haha!  In the 7 months we have been married we have had our challanges.  In December we had our 1st Christmas, we didnt have a lot of money for gifts but it was special in its on way.  In January I kept having reaccuring eye infections in which I had to wear my glasses and made for a very grumpy me!  In February John had a major medical scare and had an outpatient procedure which we are still paying for =(.  March brought John a new job which was both exciting and scary at the same time.  He had to train for 3 weeks in Atlanta and I thought I was going to go insane!! Kelly went to prom and was absolutely beautiful!! April was filled with joy and excitement as Haley & Hollis were getting closer and closer to coming to visit.  Then we realized we had to pay a million trillion dollars in taxes...thank God for my parents!!  May brought Haley and Hollis to Alabama, a beach trip, our annual recital, and car died (do not put anything but 87 gas in a Mustang) .  Now we are into June and we get a break from dance, lazy Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, naps, the Ellen show, car needs a new battery ;)  John says can we ever catch a break....and I tell him we are the house that never Bores =}  They say life is divine chaos and I say bring it on!  As long as we have each other we can get through anything.  We might not have a lot of money but we have a lot of love!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 1: Introduction, recent picture and 15 random facts....oh boy!  I'm Natalie and I blow out my candles on February 23rd.  I'm happily married to the love of my life.  I teach dance and sell furniture which are both loves of mine. 
John and I headed to my 10 year reunion.  It was so much fun just wished more people cared enough to come....maybe they will come around by the 20 year =)

15 Random Facts:

1)  I honestly feel that John and I were made for each other.  He is the best husband anyone could ever ask for and Im so thankful the Lord brought him into my life and let me be his wife =}
2)  I have never had a dog =(
3)  John and I have already named our 3 kids....;)
4)  I have the biggest sweet tooth imaginable.
5)  Im allergic to Gain detergent
6)  Im a huge Alabama fan, like HUGE!!
7)  I hate scary movies....cant get some of that stuff out of my head before I fall asleep.
8)  I have been dancing/cheering since I was 7.  Still teach/coach and judge try-outs across the state.
9)  I want my own hair and make-up artist 1 day to come and get me ready every morning when Im rich and famous...haha!
10) I love going to the beach and would have no problem living there one day.
11) I would love to meet Shirley Temple and Celine Dion 1 day, they are 2 of my idols.
12) My next car or what I call my mommy car will be a FORD edge, I love them and we are 100% a FORD family!
13) I love to play board games and Im very competitive!!!
14) My family means the world to me.  I believe that I have 1 of the funnest families, and this includes both sides.  We always get together, we play board games, we eat and there is no way I could move far far away.  I have got to be able to drive home in no more than an hour.
15) Im a huge music buff.  I can usually tell you who is singing and I love to be the 1st to discover a song or group.  People call me and say who sings that song that goes hmmm and hmmmm and oooh and Im like bam!

So day 1 is complete!  Id love to hear your 15 random facts!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Our 1st blog =) Why not bring on a challange

So I think everyone should have a place to write about their fears, their joys, the crap that goes on in your everyday life, a place to vent, a place to celebrate, a place to let it all go and this is what I hope to accomplish. 

Day 0: The 30 Day Challenge Explanation and Description
Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3: Your first love
Day 4: Your parents
Day 5: A song to match your mood
Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7: Favorite movies
Day 8: A place you've traveled to
Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
Day 11: Favorite tv shows
Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
Day 13: Goals
Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?
Day 15: Bible verse
Day 16: Dream house
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?
Day 22: What's in your purse?
Day 23: Favorite Movie
Day 24: Something you've learned
Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26: Your Dream Wedding
Day 27: Original Photo of the city you live in
Day 28: Something that stresses you out
Day 29: 3 Wishes
Day 30: a picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge